Dear Parishioners, TO DATE, We are at $180K collected!
As homeowners, you know that there is extraordinary maintenance that must be done to your home over the years. In the same way, after 33 years our parish church and campus are in need of major capital repairs.
In the coming months, we plan to remove and replace the Church roof, repair our Atrium windows due to leaks, and repair water damage to the church façade in multiple places. Additionally, there are multiple HVAC units coming to the end of their useful lives that need to be replaced soon. As good stewards, we want to keep you updated on all the upcoming projects needed to ensure that our parish continues to thrive for years to come! After gathering information on each project, the estimated cost is approximately $500K. This is more than we initially anticipated. Please see our posters in the Atrium and information online with all specific repairs and their estimated costs.
Together with the parish pastoral and finance councils, we decided to use some of the parish savings from a bequest to pay for these capital needs. Our parish savings were meant to secure the future of Corpus Christi for future generations but there is a need to use them now. Because of the financial uncertainty of many, we decided not to have a formal capital campaign with in-pew pledges, but to give all of those who are able to the opportunity to help restore our savings which will be significantly reduced by the costs of these projects.
Please know that any funds collected in this initiative will be restricted to our Restricted Building Fund and can only be used for capital repairs and expenses associated with them.
There are special envelopes near the posters in the atrium and by the back entrance. You can give online using the form below. Also, if you would like to give by check, please make it out to Corpus Christi Parish with the note “Restricted Building Fund” on the bottom of your check. All funds are restricted and can be used only for capital projects. They are also tax deductible. As your pastor, I will make a sacrificial gift as well.
I invite you to join me and be a partner in funding our vision to bring Christ’s Joy, Hope, and Healing to all those who come through our doors for another 33 years and beyond! We know that this is over and above your normal giving, and so we thank you in advance for all that you sacrifice for the future of our parish home.
Together let us celebrate the past and prepare for the future!
Fr. Kevin Corcoran