Rejoice in the Lord always!" Phil 4:4 This Advent has called us to think about JOY in a whole new way, to call upon what fulfills us at our core and leads us to hope. JOY lifts us to a new realm and it's that JOY that Christ brings to us in the incarnation.
Episode 3: Sr. Margaret
May the love of Christ embrace you! I am Sister Margaret Dincher, SCC pastoral associate for Adult Faith Formation at Corpus Christi Parish
Episode 2: Haley Heiberger
Together, let's continue to celebrate this season of Advent by reflecting on peace and the coming of Christmas. As we continue through this season of preparation, we open our hearts to the joy and peace that comes from Christ.
Episode 1: Bob Long
Corpus Christi Welcomes a New Church Year ADVENT - A Season of Hope