In a joint statement, the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey have expressed their deepest gratitude for the United States Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs V. Jackson Women’s Health. Click to read more.
Operation Reassurance is a program designed to give SENIOR CITIZENS and/or DISABLED PERSONS the opportunity to speak to a representative of the Police Department or leave a message on a daily basis, just to make sure you are OK and haven’t had any problems during the night. Click for more information!
Morris Catholic High School is accepting applications for the Class of 2026 and for transfer students for this upcoming academic year. Learn more about Morris Catholic through our Admissions events! Click for more information!
Join us in helping mothers in need this Mother's Day by participating in the Chatham diaper drive collection for North Porch Women and Infants Centers on Saturday April 30th from 10 am to 12 pm at the Chatham United Methodist Church. Click for more information!
Due to the impact of impact of the Covid pandemic the Diocese of Paterson Catholic Charities food pantry is experience a significant increase in food for those in need. Prior to Covid the pantry served 7000 people per week, now due to Covid they are serving 21,000. Click for more information!
A two-year 'synodal' process is taking place in the Catholic Church from October 2021 that will culminate in the final Synod Gathering in Rome in October 2023. The synodal journey is of great significance for the good of both the universal and local Church. Click for more information!
Jarred Tafaro, Corpus Christi Director of Music, invites you to join our growing music ministry team at Corpus Christi. All singers and instrumentalists are invited. Special invitation to youth musicians! Click for more information!
Many thanks to Hugo Barth for organizing the farewell “Coffee & Donuts” after all the Masses last weekend for our Director of Music Ministry, Bob Long.. Also a big thank you goes to Jean Coyle, Trish Joyce, Susie Cashin and Aileen O’Donovan who helped at each of the masses. All our best wishes go to Bob in his new ministry.
The Trustees and Finance Committee would like to take this opportunity to update the parishioners of Corpus Christi Parish on the financial health of our parish now that we have begun to emerge from the depths of the COVID pandemic of late 2020 and early 2021. Click for more information!
We are counting down the days until Confirmation 2021! Bishop Sweeney and Bishop Serratelli are excited to Confirm these special young men and women in our parish. Click for more information!
After 20 years of faithful service at Corpus Christi Parish, Bob Long, our parish Minister of Music has asked to resign effective September 8th to create the next chapter in his career. We are grateful for the many ways that Bob has built up our music ministry program. Besides being a talented musician and director, Bob is a person of deep faith and integrity that has blessed our parish in so many ways. We wish him well in this next phase of his life.
In light of the recent reports concerning COVID and the Delta variant, we are urging all parishioners and employees to consider wearing a mask at all Masses, especially on the weekends.This is a recommendation, not a mandate, and individual decisions will be respected. We urge you to seek the Lord’s guidance by prayerfully considering the safety of yourselves and your fellow parishioners. Depending on future developments, these recommendations are subject to change. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Be part of joyful music making during worship! Bell choir fosters teamwork, trains hand/eye coordination, boosts brain activity and memory skills, and develops communication skills - at all ages and skill levels! Click to register!
We are pleased to announce that we are putting into place a new system, Ministry Scheduler Pro. This system will make ministry scheduling much easier for everyone! Click for more information!
Our Communications and Media team is actively seeking volunteers to support our weekend livestream Masses as well as weddings, funerals, music concerts and special events. Click for more information!